About Me

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My name is Amit Sayyed. Being a nature lover and interested towards wiIdlife i started my work long back in 2001. As a beginner i had a urge to do something which will help to improve my knowledge in the wildlife but in the course of time i realised that this is a vast field and requires collective efforts to conserve our Mother Nature.So the first step towards this direction was establishment of our Org Wildlife Protection and Research Society. which works for conservation of forests and wildlife and operates across Maharashtra. Further i wrote 3 informative books. Now i am working as a Researcher in WLPRS and ANIMAL WELFARE OFFICER. I have been doing research in wildlife since 15 years, as a part of research subject i have chosen geckos (Cnemaspis) and frogs (Rhacophoridae) Wildlife photography is my passion and I have extensive collection of wildlife photographs. I would like to share few of them with you. For more information i can be reached at 9922277772.or mail me at :amitsayyedsatara@gmail.com

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hump-nosed pit viper

Hump-nosed viper(Hypnale hypnale ) is a venomous pitviper species found in India and Sri Lanka,During the day it is often found coiled in bushes. It has an irritable disposition and will vibrate its tail when annoyed.Described as nocturnal, terrestrial and aggressive when disturbed.This snakes Found in dense jungle and coffee plantations in hilly areas.

Bites from this species though previously thought to be innocuous, is now known to cause serious complications such as coagulopathy and acute renal failure .

1 comment:

  1. Interesting Blog. Most Interesting & Amazing Facts About Wild Animals Camel Vs Giraffe. This video will definitely motivate you to go for a marine drive in Pondicherry to soak in the scenery. I hope you enjoy yourself while viewing the video!
